The I Prefer Member Post-Stay Survey
Your hotel may send a post-stay survey to guests who have recently stayed at your property. The survey might include questions about various aspects of the guest's stay, such as the cleanliness of the room, the quality of service, the amenities provided, and overall satisfaction.
The I Prefer program emails a post-stay survey targeted to Members who have also stayed at your hotel. Upon departure, guests who have included their I Prefer member number on the reservation will automatically receive our survey.
The I Prefer Member post-stay survey focuses on striving to deepen our understanding of what matters most to our loyal guests, allowing us to continuously enhance their stay and strengthen our relationship with them. The I Prefer Member post-stay survey specifically asks questions such as:
“Overall, how satisfied were you with the I Prefer member experience and benefits offered to you during this stay at (hotel name)?”
“Please indicate the I Prefer member benefits you received during your stay?”
“How knowledgeable was the hotel staff about the I Prefer program?”
The I Prefer Member post-stay survey is driven by our platform provider, Medallia.
Medallia is a leading experience management platform that helps businesses capture and analyze feedback from customers, employees, and other stakeholders to drive actionable insights and improve overall experience.
Surveys are sent to the I Prefer Member at check-out from your hotel and once the Member completes the survey, their information will instantly appear in your Medallia portal.
Response rates for customer satisfaction surveys typically range from 10% to 30%.
After your I Prefer Loyalty Ambassador receives the unique hotel link to access your results, they must take the time to read through the comments and feedback.
The survey results will have robust filtering options such as:
- Date Ranges (Today, Last 7 Days, This Month, Last Month, This Quarter, and More)
- Tier Levels *Tier levels updated January 2024
- Former Tiers (Insider, Explorer, Elite, Authority)
- *New Tiers (Silver, Gold, Titanium)
- Respondent Status (Partially responded and responded completely)
I Prefer Loyalty Ambassadors and Hotel Leadership Teams can access additional resources such as robust reference guides and FAQs on PreferredNet.Net